Discover The Real You

They say, once in a lifetime, you should give yourself a fair chance to discover who you really are. There will come days where you might feel disconnected from the world like you are missing out on something deeper you could be a part of. You may feel a twitch but find yourself unable to pin it down – it eludes you and frustrates you
You might have heard stories from famous personalities like the writers, musicians and successful entrepreneurs who have felt their true calling almost their entire lives; the Steve Jobs’ of the world who have pursued their passions. Deep down, you wish you knew yourself to push forward.
We have all come across people who we term as super humans – whose extreme confidence and strategic charisma enable them to accomplish big goals. Take some time to think about some really rich and powerful names such as Bill Gates, or the founder of our nation Jinnah. What these men all have in common is their journey from struggle to success and their self-confidence.
Self-confidence is extremely important in almost all aspects of our lives, yet so many people struggle to find it. Sadly, this can become a vicious circle; people who lack confidence can find it difficult to become successful as they say, ‘confidence comes naturally with success; but success comes only to those who are confident. For example, if you pitch in a project, nervous, fumbling and overly apologetic, the chances of someone to back you is highly unlikely. On the other hand, if you speak clearly, holding your head high, answering questions assuredly and admitting readily something you do not know, chances are you might persuade the person.
Confident people inspire confidence in others; their audience, their peers, their bosses, their customers and their friends. And gaining the confidence of others is one of the key ways in which a self-confident person can find success.
The good news here is that self-confidence really can be learned and built on. And, whether you are working on your own confidence or building the confidence of people around you, it’s well worth the effort.
The Real You is a part of a digital series by School of Leadership, an organization aimed towards learning and development of the youth in Pakistan, where Master Trainer and Facilitator Umair Jaliawala will take you to a 2-hour transformation journey of success and gaining confidence. The program will be launched on the world’s fastest growing online learning platform, Udemy, where over 10 million students are taking courses from a diverse range of topics from photography to motivational sessions.
The Real You is a course designed specifically to give you a new sense of direction and perspective in your life. If you feel that you have been unable to completely utilize the opportunities that life has offered you due to lack of self-confidence or a negative self-image, then this course is definitely for you. The Real You will enable you to tackle societal issues that are a cause for much concern today; such as having low confidence level, not being comfortable with yourself and finding yourself unable to fulfill your true potential due to a lack of self-belief. This course will help you to finally have the confidence you need to do the things you have only ever dreamed of! It also aims to answer basic questions that you have been asking all your life such as, ‘how do I discover who I really am?’ and ‘what is confidence and why it is such an important trait to have?’ as well as bestow on you, its students, the tips, and tricks needed to embody a more confident demeanor.
Therefore, it is essential for you to remember that confidence leads to success. The Real You will enable you to believe in yourself, your skills and most importantly, it will enable you to believe in your ability to succeed. Get Enrolled Now