Are you a school?
Nope. We’re an organization working in the domains of youth development and education. We conduct training sessions, organize conferences and design specialized programs for various organizations. Some of our work is done in partnership with schools and other educational institutions though.
How can I be part of this organization?
There are a bunch of ways you can get involved. Become a partner. To become an ambassador, you can register your interest here. To apply for an open position at SoL, you can search through vacancies here
Can I be sponsored for a conference/event?
We always encourage our participants to finance themselves. Whether you work part-time, sell off your phone or do some freelancing, we sincerely believe that when you really put your mind to it you can make anything happen. However, for participants who are genuinely unable to raise all the funds we have a number of generous sponsors at each conference/event. Sponsored seats are allocated on a first come first serve basis once a participant’s financial situation has been appropriately determined.
I’m part of a youth organization. How can we collaborate with SoL?
We’ve developed a network of youth organizations functioning all over Pakistan called Nucleus. Read more about it here  and fill out the application form to become a part of Pakistan’s first ever network of youth groups.
How can I get an SoL trainer/speaker to come to my event?
We like those personalized, handwritten invitations with a bouquet of flowers and assorted chocolates. Just kidding! All you have to do is fill out this form and we’ll get back to you.
Do SoL trainers charge?
Yes, they do.
How can I find out about upcoming events?
We constantly update our social media about any events we’ve got brewing in the SoL factory. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter or check out our calendar.
How can I volunteer/intern at SoL?
If you’re looking for an awesome and meaningful way to spend your spare time, we’ve got lots of opportunities to brighten up your days with some SoL magic. Click here.
Can I get career counseling at SoL?
Karachi Youth Support Network, another SoL initiative, frequently organizes sessions and workshops on CV writing, interview tips and the transition from academics into the corporate world. As Pakistan’s first youth center, KYSN also offers counseling and other facilities to the youth. Wanna know more? Visit the KYSN website
I want to become a trainer. How can you help?
We have designed a specialized program for aspiring young trainers. “Train the Young Trainer” is your first step towards achieving your dream. Read more about TTYT here.

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