How We Sustain

Since day 1, our aspiration has been to have the freedom to test, scrap, strengthen, collaborate and alter, as we liked. This allowed us to do what we considered meaningful, skip the redundant and listen more to our market.

So how do we keep our ship sailing smoothly? We collaborate with corporate CSR, co-design with brands, partner with the government, integrate with donors & pool philanthropy. We charge a fee from our clients. We ask participants to pay. To be more specific, those who can afford must pay & those who can’t are not denied (we work to bring in sponsorship, give counsel and do what we can to ensure they are given the opportunity). We generate surplus which we reinvest in new initiatives.

This multi-sector collaboration has educated us tremendously. We have picked up marketing and innovation from the Corporate. We have learned compassion, community engagement and sustainability from the Development. We have familiarized with advocacy and macro-thinking from the Public. Our charging fee for our services has kept us on our toes. We have no choice but to create impact.

We are thankful to all our stakeholders for their unwavering trust in us, for believing we can and for finding a win for themselves. We are fortunate and we know it!

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