Success Stories

Yousif Mangi

My name is Yousif Mangi, I am 22 years old. I am working as a provincial coordinator for U-Report Pak Avaz at School of Leadership Foundation. I have done TTYT in 2014 and I started my career as a trainer from 2015 so from 2015 I have conducted over 40 training sessions and trained almost 6000 plus audience in interior Sindh.. Read More

Ali Tareen


I was not blind at birth. I remember the day when I was told that I will not be able to see again like it was only yesterday. It was the year 2002 that my eyesight had started getting weak. I was quite young at that time. My family consulted almost every doctor across the city and they told me that with passage of time I will be able to see better..Read More

Zoya Khan

My parents passed away when I was pretty young. I am the eldest among 6 sisters and 1 brother. We didn’t have any one to support us and we were not in a good place back then but I don’t regret any of it at all. It is difficult to make ends meet when you don’t have parents watching over you. I used to be a different person than and I am a different person now..Read More

Badar Hasan

“My father passed away when I was only 10 years old. He was a patient of diabetes. We are 9 siblings and I was the youngest. We had to struggle a lot to make ends meet because all of them were studying back then. My mother always encouraged us to study. She has been the biggest motivation in my life. After I completed my Matric, I wanted to get an admission in a good college..Read More

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